维多利亚州Redesdale附近的轻型飞机坠毁导致飞行员死亡;调查正在进行中。 Light aircraft crash near Redesdale, Victoria leads to pilot's death; investigation ongoing.
一架轻型飞机在维多利亚州Redesdale附近坠毁,造成唯一的驾驶员飞行员死亡。 A light aircraft crashed near Redesdale, Victoria, resulting in the death of the pilot, the sole occupant. 事件发生在农村财产上,促使警察和应急部门保护该地区安全。 The incident occurred on a rural property, prompting police and emergency services to secure the area. 目击者报告听到一声大爆炸,发现降落伞,然后又发生爆炸。 Witnesses reported hearing a loud bang, spotting a parachute, and then another explosion. 坠机情况正在调查之中,报告将提交给验尸官。 The circumstances of the crash are under investigation, and a report will be submitted to the coroner.