最高法院大法官克拉伦斯·托马斯 (Clarence Thomas) 自 2004 年以来已收到 404 万美元的赠款,引发人们对其公正性的担忧。 Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas received $4.04 million in gifts since 2004, sparking impartiality concerns.
据自由派监督组织 Fix the Court 称,最高法院大法官克拉伦斯·托马斯自 2004 年以来收受了近 500 万美元的“礼物”,其中 404 万美元直接来自他本人。 Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas received nearly $5 million in "gifts" since 2004, with $4.04 million of that amount coming directly to him, according to liberal watchdog group Fix the Court. 在这些数据公布之际,托马斯因接受这些礼物而面临民主党人的审查,他们认为这损害了他的公正性。 This data comes as Thomas has faced scrutiny from Democrats for accepting these gifts, which they argue taints his impartiality. 托马斯收到的礼物包括私人飞机、体育比赛门票和直升机之旅,其中最昂贵的礼物是五次波西米亚丛林之旅,价值 262,500 美元。 Among the gifts Thomas received were private flights, tickets to sports games, and helicopter rides, with the single most expensive gift being five trips to Bohemian Grove, valued at $262,500.