民主党人拉斯金和奥卡西奥·科尔特斯提议禁止向美国最高法院法官赠送价值 50 美元的礼品。 Democrats Raskin and Ocasio-Cortez propose a $50 gift ban for US Supreme Court justices.
民主党人拉斯金和奥卡西奥·科尔特斯提议禁止美国最高法院法官接受价值 50 美元的礼品,主张实施与国会议员类似的限制。 Democrats Raskin and Ocasio-Cortez propose a $50 gift ban for US Supreme Court justices, arguing for similar restrictions as those imposed on members of Congress. 他们认为,鉴于最高法院法官的年薪 30 万美元,他们应该自己支付餐费和度假费用,而且最高法院应该具有最高的道德标准。 They argue that SCOTUS justices should pay for their own meals and vacations, given their $300,000 annual salary, and that the highest court should have the highest ethical standards.