美国最高法院法官和联邦法官现在必须将与旅行相关的礼物归类为财务披露表上的“报销”。 U.S. Supreme Court justices and federal judges must now classify travel-related gifts as "reimbursements" on financial disclosure forms.
美国最高法院法官和联邦法官现在必须在财务披露表上将此类免费旅行归类为“报销”,以披露他们收到的与旅行相关的礼物的价值。 U.S. Supreme Court justices and federal judges must now disclose the value of travel-related gifts they receive by classifying such free trips as "reimbursements" on their financial disclosure forms. 联邦司法机构于 3 月 15 日宣布了这项新规定,此前有消息称,美国保守派最高法院法官克拉伦斯·托马斯 (Clarence Thomas) 并未披露捐助者支付的豪华旅行费用。 The new rules, announced by the federal judiciary on March 15, follow revelations that conservative U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas had not disclosed luxury trips paid for by a benefactor.