纽约警方正在调查因唐纳德·特朗普最近的重罪判决而吊销其持枪证。 New York police investigate revoking Donald Trump's gun license due to recent felony conviction.
据报道,由于纽约州法律和联邦法律禁止重罪犯持有枪支,纽约警方正试图在唐纳德·特朗普最近被定罪后吊销他的持枪证。 New York police are reportedly seeking to revoke Donald Trump's gun license following his recent criminal conviction, as state law in New York and federal law prohibit individuals with felony convictions from possessing a firearm. 警方内部一位不愿透露姓名的官员向美国媒体表示,他们正在完成一项调查,这可能会导致特朗普被禁止拥有枪支。 Unnamed officials within the police department have told US media that they are completing an investigation that would likely lead to Trump being banned from owning a gun.