1961年的联邦法律剥夺被定罪的重罪犯的枪支权利,因不公平而面临最高法院的审查。 Federal law from 1961 stripping gun rights from convicted felons faces Supreme Court scrutiny for being unfair.
1961年的一项联邦法律剥夺被判定犯有罪行(即使是非暴力罪行)的个人的《第二修正案》权利,该法因不公正和可能违宪而正在受到审查。 A federal law from 1961 that strips Second Amendment rights from individuals convicted of crimes, even non-violent ones, is under scrutiny for being unfair and possibly unconstitutional. 这项法律影响到数以百万计的人,包括前总统特朗普,因为他多次被判犯有重罪。 This law affects millions, including former President Trump due to his numerous felony convictions. 最高法院最近的案件表明,有可能重新评估这些限制,从而恢复许多被判犯有非暴力罪行的人的枪支权利。 Recent Supreme Court cases suggest a potential reevaluation of these restrictions, which could restore gun rights to many who were convicted of non-violent crimes.