加拿大皇家骑警将发布对詹姆斯·史密斯克里族大规模屠杀事件的内部审查,重点关注迈尔斯·桑德森的追捕行动。 RCMP to release internal review on James Smith Cree Nation mass killing response, focusing on Myles Sanderson manhunt.
加拿大皇家骑警将发布一份内部评估报告,说明他们对詹姆斯·史密斯克里族大屠杀事件的反应。 The RCMP will release an internal review on their response to the mass killing on James Smith Cree Nation. 此次审查由阿尔伯塔省皇家骑警调查标准和实践办公室进行,将审查警员如何追捕迈尔斯·桑德森 (Myles Sanderson),他在 2022 年 9 月杀死 11 人,造成 17 人受伤。 The review, conducted by the Alberta RCMP's Office of Investigative Standards and Practices, will address how officers handled the manhunt for Myles Sanderson, who killed 11 people and injured 17 others in September 2022. 袭击发生三天后,桑德森被捕,并因吸食过量可卡因在狱中死亡。 Sanderson was captured three days after the attacks and died in custody due to a cocaine overdose. 审查旨在概述加拿大皇家骑警在事件中取得良好进展的地方以及他们遇到的困难。 The review aims to outline what worked well for the RCMP and where they encountered difficulties during the incident.