加拿大皇家骑警正在调查阿尔伯塔省劳埃德明斯特市不明原因的三人死亡事件,以寻求信息。 RCMP investigating unclear deaths of three in Lloydminster, Alberta, seeking information.
皇家加拿大骑警 (RCMP) 正在调查在阿尔伯塔省洛伊德明斯特的三人死亡事件. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) are investigating the deaths of three individuals in Lloydminster, Alberta. 围绕死亡的情况仍然不清楚,当局正在寻求与该事件有关的资料。 The circumstances surrounding the deaths remain unclear, and authorities are seeking information related to the incident. 调查正在进行中,进一步的细节将在获得后公布。 The investigation is ongoing, and further details will be released as they become available.