26 岁的道尔顿·托德在一场涉及枪支的家庭纠纷中被圣查尔斯警员开枪击毙。 26-year-old Dalton Todd was shot by St. Charles deputies during a domestic dispute involving a gun.
26 岁的道尔顿·托德在一次家庭纠纷中被圣查尔斯警方开枪击毙,据称托德用枪指着女友的头。 26-year-old Dalton Todd was shot by St. Charles deputies during a domestic dispute where Todd allegedly held a gun to his girlfriend's head. 事件于周日晚上发生在 Bayou Gauche,当时 Todd 手持一把手枪,但他拒绝按照警员的命令放下武器。 The incident occurred on Sunday night in Bayou Gauche, and Todd, who was armed with a handgun, refused to drop the weapon when ordered by deputies. 在尝试使用豆袋弹后,警员击中了托德的腿部。 After attempting to use beanbag rounds, deputies shot Todd in the legs. 他被空运至医院,情况稳定。 He was airlifted to the hospital in stable condition.