24岁的Timothy Brown在俄克拉荷马市被枪杀;21岁的Ladarius Crutchfield嫌疑人被捕。 Timothy Brown, 24, was shot to death in Oklahoma City; suspect Ladarius Crutchfield, 21, was arrested.
24岁的Timothy Brown 周五早上 在俄克拉荷马州东南部市 一家住宅发生争吵时 被致命枪击身亡 Timothy Brown, 24, was fatally shot during an altercation at a residence in southeast Oklahoma City on Friday morning. 嫌犯21岁的Ladilius Crutchfield已经被捕,但尚未受到正式指控。 The suspect, 21-year-old Ladarius Crutchfield, has been arrested but not yet formally charged. Brown被送往医院后死亡。 Brown died after being transported to a hospital. 警方要求任何有情报的人 在405 -297 -1200 与凶案调查热线联系 Police are asking anyone with information to contact the Homicide Tip Line at 405-297-1200.