冰岛雷克雅内斯半岛火山自 12 月以来第五次喷发,迫使格林达维克镇和蓝湖温泉撤离。 Iceland's Reykjanes peninsula volcano erupts for the fifth time since December, prompting evacuations of Grindavik town and Blue Lagoon spa.
冰岛雷克雅内斯半岛的一座火山自 12 月以来已第五次喷发,喷出红色的熔岩流,并引发附近小镇格林达维克和著名地热温泉蓝湖的居民疏散。 A volcano on Iceland's Reykjanes peninsula has erupted for the fifth time since December, spewing red lava streams and triggering evacuations of the nearby town of Grindavik and the popular Blue Lagoon geothermal spa. 此次火山爆发是在一系列地震之后引发的,熔岩从长约 2.5 公里的裂缝中喷向天空约 50 米。 The eruption began following a series of earthquakes, with lava shooting about 50 meters into the sky from a fissure around 2.5 kilometers long.