科罗拉多州州长贾里德·波利斯签署了《维修权法案》,将可维修性规则扩大到消费电子产品。 Colorado governor Jared Polis signed a Right to Repair bill, expanding repairability rules to consumer electronics.
科罗拉多州州长贾里德·波利斯签署了《维修权法案》,使该州成为电子产品维修的最佳管辖区之一。 Colorado governor Jared Polis signed a Right to Repair bill, making the state one of the best jurisdictions for electronics repairers. 新规定扩大了之前针对农用设备和轮椅的可修复性规定,将消费电子产品也纳入其中,并禁止使用常用于阻碍可修复性的零件配对技术。 The new rule expands previous repairability rules for farm equipment and wheelchairs to include consumer electronics and prohibits parts pairing technology often used to stymie repairability. 这需要制造商同意在损坏的设备中安装新部件。 This requires manufacturer consent to install new parts in a damaged device. 该法律旨在节省资金、加强小企业并减少技术浪费。 The law aims to save money, strengthen small businesses, and reduce technology waste.