周六晚上,埃德蒙顿市一名警官在加油站与一名危急男子发生冲突,并开枪打死了该名男子。 Edmonton city police officer shot critical man in gas station encounter on Saturday night.
周六晚上,一名情况危急的男子在加油站被埃德蒙顿市一名警察开枪击中。 A man in critical condition was shot by an Edmonton city police officer in a gas station encounter on Saturday night. 晚上 7 点 45 分左右,身着制服的执勤警官发现该男子携带武器。双方发生冲突,警官开枪射击。 The officer, on duty and in uniform, found the man with a weapon at around 7:45 p.m. A confrontation occurred and the officer fired. 嫌疑人被送往医院,伤势危及生命。 The suspect was taken to hospital with life-threatening injuries. 阿尔伯塔省警察监督机构 ASIRT 正在调查此事,没有警察受伤。 Alberta's police watchdog, ASIRT, is investigating the incident, while no officers were injured.