ASIRT裁定卡尔加里警官枪击持刀抢劫嫌疑人是正当的。 ASIRT ruled Calgary police officer's shooting of armed knife-wielding robbery suspect justified.
阿尔伯塔严重事件应对小组 (ASIRT) 发现卡尔加里一名警察在8月份的一次枪击事件中采取了适当的行动, The Alberta Serious Incident Response Team (ASIRT) found that a Calgary police officer acted appropriately in an August shooting involving a robbery suspect armed with a knife. 这名警官在嫌疑人无视命令并向他们推进后开枪。 The officer shot the suspect after he ignored commands and advanced toward them. 调查得到尸体摄像头录像的支持,结论是,该警官使用武力是正当的,因为嫌疑人构成致命威胁,并表示希望 " 由警察自杀 " 。 The investigation, supported by body camera footage, concluded that the officer was justified in using force, as the suspect posed a lethal threat and had expressed a desire for "suicide by cop."