阿联酋派出9支专门队伍抗击登革热,消灭409个蚊子滋生地。 UAE deploys 9 specialised teams to combat dengue fever, eliminating 409 mosquito breeding sites.
阿联酋已派出9支专门队伍抗击登革热,清除了409个蚊子滋生地,提供了一个昆虫实验室,并与当地政府合作开展了1200次调查。 The UAE has deployed 9 specialised teams to combat dengue fever, eliminating 409 mosquito breeding sites, providing an insect laboratory, and conducting 1,200 surveys in cooperation with local authorities. 卫生和预防部表示,目前有 134 家医疗机构为登革热患者提供治疗。 The Ministry of Health and Prevention stated there are 134 health facilities for dengue fever patients. 登革热是一种通过蚊子传播的病毒感染,常见于热带和亚热带气候。 Dengue is a viral infection transmitted by mosquitoes, common in tropical and subtropical climates.