爱尔兰警察正在调查针对都柏林塔拉特庇护所住房发生的疑似汽油弹袭击事件。 Gardaí investigate suspected petrol bomb attack on asylum housing property in Tallaght, Dublin.
爱尔兰警察正在调查一起疑似发生在都柏林塔拉特一处空置房产上的汽油弹袭击事件,该房产将用于安置寻求庇护的家庭。 Gardaí are investigating a suspected petrol bomb attack on a vacant property in Tallaght, Dublin, that will be used to house families seeking asylum. 此次纵火事件之前,移民住房相关建筑也曾发生过类似事件。 The arson incident follows similar incidents involving buildings linked to housing migrants. 紧急服务部门于周二晚上 11 点左右接到火灾报警,塔拉格特警察局的侦探已对此展开刑事调查。 Emergency services were alerted to the fire at around 11pm on Tuesday night, and a criminal investigation has been launched by detectives at Tallaght garda station. 移民融合部确认,该房产将供寻求国际保护的家庭使用。 The Department of Integration confirmed that the property is intended for use by families seeking international protection.