当局调查都柏林营地计划在抗议活动中为寻求庇护者开火的第八起火灾。 Authorities investigate eighth fire at Dublin site planned for asylum seekers amid protests.
都柏林当局正在调查一起涉嫌纵火袭击Coolok一家原工厂工地的事件, Authorities in Dublin are investigating a suspected arson attack on a former factory site in Coolock, slated for housing asylum seekers. 这是自宣布再发展计划以来该地点第八起火灾。 This is the eighth fire at the location since redevelopment plans were announced. Gardaí驱散了大约20名抗议者,控制了火灾。 Gardaí dispersed about 20 protestors and controlled the fire. 尽管存在紧张局势和过去的抗议,但该项目旨在为多达741名寻求庇护者建造230个预制单元,在认为该地点安全之前,该项目的工作不会开始。 Despite tensions and past protests, work on the project, which aims to construct 230 prefabricated units for up to 741 asylum seekers, will not start until the site is deemed safe. 法院注意到,目前没有关于住宿的现有合同。 The court noted there is no current contract for the accommodation.