德国德累斯顿有 10 人遭雷击。 10 people struck by lightning in Dresden, Germany.
5月21日,一场雷雨天气在德国德累斯顿的易北河附近造成10人被闪电击中。 10 people were struck by lightning in Dresden, Germany on May 21st near Elbe river during a passing thunderstorm. 四人伤势严重,其中两人心脏骤停,但被抢救过来。 Four had critical injuries, two of whom experienced cardiac arrest but were resuscitated. 德国气象局对德累斯顿发布了四级中的二级雷暴风险警告。 The German Weather Service had issued a level two out of four thunderstorm risk warning for Dresden. 当局正在调查此事,并敦促任何出现症状的人立即就医。 Authorities are investigating the incident and urged anyone showing symptoms to seek immediate medical attention.