孟加拉国300名农民死于2023年2月-9月的闪电袭击, 300 rural farmers in Bangladesh died from lightning strikes Feb-Sept 2023, most while working on farms; experts link deaths to climate change.
据拯救社会组织和雷暴意识论坛报导, 2023年2月至9月, 孟加拉国近300人死于闪电袭击, In Bangladesh, nearly 300 people, predominantly rural farmers, died from lightning strikes between February and September 2023, according to the Save the Society and Thunderstorm Awareness Forum. 死亡人数共计297人,包括242名男子和55名妇女,其中大多数是在农场工作时死亡的。 The fatalities, totaling 297, included 242 men and 55 women, with the majority occurring while individuals worked on farms. 专家们将死亡人数上升归因于气候变化,强调需要改善安全措施和开展关于闪电危害的公共教育。 Experts attribute the rising deaths to climate change, highlighting the need for better safety measures and public education on lightning hazards.