滞留新喀里多尼亚的澳大利亚游客面临食物短缺。 Australian tourists stranded in New Caledonia face food shortage.
因国内动乱而被困在新喀里多尼亚的澳大利亚人正在实行食物定量配给,等待离开这个陷入困境的太平洋岛国。 Australians stranded in New Caledonia due to civil unrest are rationing food as they wait to leave the troubled Pacific island territory. 骚乱已造成四人死亡,企业被烧毁,汽车被焚毁,商店被抢劫,道路被封锁,造成混乱和物资短缺。 Riots have killed four people and led to burnt businesses, torched cars, looted shops, and road blockades, causing disruption and shortages. 法国警察增援部队正试图重新控制首都努美阿。 French police reinforcements are attempting to regain control of the capital, Noumea.