巴布亚新几内亚首都莫尔兹比港因工资纠纷爆发骚乱。 A riot has erupted in Papua New Guinea's capital, Port Moresby, following a pay dispute.
巴布亚新几内亚莫尔兹比港发生骚乱和动乱,造成至少八人死亡。 At least eight people have died in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, following rioting and unrest. 警察因工资纠纷而罢工,导致商店火灾和超市抢劫。 Police went on strike over a pay dispute, leading to shop fires and supermarket looting. 警察的缺席鼓励郊区居民洗劫商店,导致成本上升和高失业率导致紧张局势升级。 The absence of police encouraged outskirts residents to ransack shops, escalating tensions over rising costs and high unemployment.