布基纳法索儿童面临紧急饥饿状况。 Children in Burkina Faso face emergency hunger levels.
救助儿童会警告称,由于安全局势不稳、歉收季节和食品价格上涨,布基纳法索面临紧急饥饿儿童数量增长了五倍,到年中将达到 210,000 人。 Burkina Faso faces a fivefold increase in children facing emergency hunger levels, rising to 210,000 by mid-year due to insecurity, lean season, and food price hikes, warns Save the Children. 冲突和气候变化是主要驱动因素,导致萨赫勒和北部地区的许多儿童无法进入农场。 Conflict and climate change are key drivers, with many children in the Sahel and Nord regions unable to access farms. 迫切需要国际捐助方的支持,以防止局势恶化。 International donor support is urgently needed to prevent a worsening situation.