法官驳回亨特·拜登对特拉华州枪支指控的第二修正案质疑。 Judge dismisses Hunter Biden's Second Amendment challenge to gun charges in Delaware.
特拉华州法官玛丽莱伦·诺雷卡驳回了亨特·拜登根据第二修正案对三项枪支指控的质疑。 Judge Marylellen Noreika in Delaware has dismissed Hunter Biden's challenge to his three gun charges under the Second Amendment. 这些指控与吸食可卡因期间购买左轮手枪有关。 The charges relate to purchasing a revolver while being a crack cocaine user. 法官裁定,禁止管制物质“非法使用者”持有枪支的《美国法典》第 18 章第 922(g)(3) 条并不违宪。 The judge ruled that 18 USC 922(g)(3), prohibiting firearms possession for "unlawful users" of controlled substances, is not unconstitutional. 如果罪名成立,亨特·拜登仍然可以向第三巡回法院上诉或辩称违反了第二修正案。 Hunter Biden can still appeal to the 3rd Circuit Court or argue Second Amendment violations if convicted.