第三巡回上诉法院驳回亨特·拜登的上诉。 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals rejects Hunter Biden's appeal.
亨特·拜登撤销枪支指控的上诉被联邦上诉法院驳回,为 6 月 3 日的审判扫清了道路。 Hunter Biden's appeal to dismiss gun charges has been rejected by a federal appeals court, clearing the way for a June 3 trial. 位于费城的第三巡回上诉法院裁定,拜登未能证明地方法院的命令在最终判决之前可以上诉。 The Third Circuit Court of Appeals based in Philadelphia determined that Biden had not demonstrated that the District Court's orders were appealable before final judgment. 此前,拜登的特拉华州审判法官玛丽埃伦·诺雷卡(Maryellen Noreika)已于4月初驳回了他的驳回动议。 Previously, Biden's Delaware trial judge, Maryellen Noreika, had denied his motion to dismiss the case in early April.