亨特·拜登联邦枪支案的陪审员将继续对三项重罪指控进行审议,涉及 2018 年购买枪支和涉嫌吸毒成瘾。 Jurors in Hunter Biden's federal gun case will resume deliberations on three felony charges, involving a 2018 gun purchase and alleged drug addiction.
针对总统乔·拜登之子亨特·拜登的联邦枪支案的陪审员将恢复审议,考虑他是否犯有三项重罪。 Jurors in the federal gun case against Hunter Biden, son of President Joe Biden, will resume deliberations, considering whether he is guilty of three felonies. 该案涉及亨特于 2018 年购买的一把枪,而检察官声称他吸食可卡因成瘾。 The case involves a gun Hunter purchased in 2018, while prosecutors claim he was in a crack cocaine addiction. 辩方辩称,没有直接目击者看到他在持枪期间吸毒。 Defense argues no direct witness saw him using drugs during the time he had the gun. 检方利用证词和证据证明他在填写枪支购买表格时故意撒谎。 Prosecution uses testimony and evidence to show he knowingly lied when filling out the gun purchase form.