美国地区法官驳回亨特·拜登驳回九项联邦税指控的动议。 US District Judge denies Hunter Biden's motions to dismiss nine federal tax charges.
法官拒绝了亨特·拜登驳回其九项税务起诉的请求,使他的税务案件更接近审判。 Judge rejects Hunter Biden's requests to dismiss his nine-count tax indictment, moving his tax case closer to trial. 美国地区法官马克·斯卡西驳回了亨特·拜登提出的全部八项动议,驳回他在加州面临的九项联邦税务指控。 US District Judge Mark Scarsi denied all eight of Hunter Biden's motions to dismiss the nine federal tax charges he faces in California. 乔·拜登总统的儿子亨特·拜登对 2016 年至 2019 年间未缴纳 140 万美元税款表示无罪。 Hunter Biden, son of President Joe Biden, has pleaded not guilty to failing to pay $1.4 million in taxes between 2016 and 2019.