德雷克多伦多豪宅附近发生枪击事件,导致保安受伤,嫌疑人逃离。 Shooting near Drake's Toronto mansion leaves security guard injured, suspects flee.
说唱歌手德雷克的多伦多豪宅附近发生枪击事件,造成一名男子受伤。 A shooting occurred near rapper Drake's Toronto mansion, leaving one man injured. 事件于周二凌晨发生在 Bayview 和 Lawrence 大道附近。 The incident took place early Tuesday morning near Bayview and Lawrence avenues. 一名站在德雷克房产外的保安在夜间的枪击事件中受伤,目前仍在医院接受治疗,情况危急。 A security guard who was standing outside Drake's property was injured in the overnight shooting and remains in serious condition in hospital. 据报道,嫌疑人乘车逃离现场,警方正在调查此事并寻找他们。 Suspects reportedly fled the scene in a vehicle, and police are looking for them while investigating the incident.