在多伦多的东纽约被枪杀的男子;无生命危险的伤员;警察寻求公众帮助。 Man shot in Toronto's East York; non-life-threatening injuries; police seek public help.
在多伦多的东纽约地区,星期六清晨,一名男子被枪杀并被带往医院,伤势无致命。 A man was shot and taken to the hospital with non-life-threatening injuries early Saturday morning in Toronto's East York area. 事件发生于凌晨1时左右,地点在维多利亚公园大道和圣克莱尔东街。 The incident occurred around 1 a.m. on Victoria Park Avenue and St. Clair East. 警方在现场发现了枪声的证据,正在寻求公众帮助进行调查。 Police found evidence of gunfire at the scene and are seeking public help in their investigation.