多伦多费尔班克街区发生枪击事件,一名 20 多岁男子被送往医院,目前生命无危。 20s man hospitalized in non-life-threatening condition after shooting in Toronto's Fairbank neighborhood.
周六晚,多伦多费尔班克街区发生枪击事件,一名 20 多岁的男子被送往医院,目前生命无危;事件发生在达弗林街和卡斯尔菲尔德大道交叉口附近。 20s man hospitalized in non-life-threatening condition after shooting in Toronto's Fairbank neighborhood on Saturday night; incident occurred near intersection of Dufferin Street and Castlefield Avenue. 警方和医护人员于晚上 8 点 30 分找到了受害者,并将其送往医院。 Police and paramedics found the victim at 8:30 PM, and he was transported to the hospital. 目前尚未发现任何嫌疑人,达弗林街已经关闭以进行调查。 No suspects have been identified, and Dufferin Street has been closed for ongoing investigation.