德雷克在多伦多的家遭遇枪击事件。 Drake's Toronto home was targeted by a shooting incident.
德雷克在多伦多的家遭遇枪击事件,一名男子受伤并被送往医院,伤势严重。 Drake's Toronto home was targeted by a shooting incident, with one man reportedly injured and taken to the hospital with serious injuries. 枪击案于周二凌晨发生在这位说唱歌手的住所附近,多伦多警方证实受害者不是德雷克。 The shooting occurred near the rapper's residence in the early hours of Tuesday morning, and Toronto police confirmed that the victim was not Drake. 据悉,嫌疑人驾车逃离了现场,目前警方正在调查此事。 The suspect reportedly fled the scene in a vehicle, and the police are currently investigating the incident.