安大略Pickering发生枪击事件,一名男子受伤,正在接受当地警察的调查。 A shooting in Pickering, Ontario, left a man injured and is under investigation by local police.
星期二中午12时30分,在安大略皮克林,在奥德希尔法院和本特利巷附近发生枪击事件。 A shooting occurred in Pickering, Ontario, on Tuesday around 12:30 p.m., near Underhill Court and Bentley Lane. 一名受枪伤的男性受害者被送往多伦多创伤中心,伤情严重,但情况稳定。 A male victim with a gunshot wound was taken to a Toronto trauma center in serious but stable condition. 杜勒姆地区警察正在调查,但枪击情况以及任何嫌疑人的详细情况尚不得而知。 Durham Regional Police are investigating, but the circumstances of the shooting and details about any suspects are not yet known.