在俄亥俄州,由于针对外国工人的政治答案很复杂,雇主转向移民来满足劳动力需求。 In Ohio, employers turn to migrants to fill labor needs amid complex political answers for foreign workers.
在俄亥俄州,由于处理大量寻求在美国居住的外国工人的政治答案很复杂,雇主越来越多地转向移民来满足劳动力需求。 In Ohio, employers are increasingly turning to migrants to fill labor needs as political answers to handle the volume of foreign workers seeking to live in the US are complex. 哥伦布当地企业正在寻求帮助,以进入移民社区雇用工人,工会和其他企业欢迎拥有工作许可的移民和难民提供额外帮助。 Local businesses in Columbus are seeking help to access immigrant communities for hiring workers, with trade unions and other businesses welcoming the extra help from migrants and refugees with work permits.