移民工人为美国就业增长和预防经济衰退做出了贡献。 Immigrant workers have contributed to US job growth and recession prevention.
移民工人推动了美国的就业增长并阻止了经济衰退,数百万个就业岗位由新移民填补。 Immigrant workers have boosted job growth and staved off a recession in the US, with millions of jobs filled by new arrivals. 这些工人为了寻求更好的生活,往往逃离经济和政治混乱,帮助经济保持稳定,避免了潜在的衰退。 These workers, seeking a better life and often fleeing economic and political chaos, have helped the economy maintain stability and avoid a potential downturn. 大量外国出生的成年人的涌入为劳动力市场做出了巨大贡献,填补了各行各业的空缺并支持了经济增长。 This influx of foreign-born adults has significantly contributed to the labor market, filling roles across various industries and supporting economic growth.