美国前总统特朗普因在纽约封口费审判中藐视法庭而被罚款。 Former US President Trump fined for contempt of court in NY hush money trial.
美国前总统唐纳德·特朗普在纽约封口费审判中因违反禁言令而被判藐视法庭,并被罚款 9,000 美元。 Former US President Donald Trump was held in contempt of court and fined $9,000 for violating a gag order in his New York hush money trial. 特朗普多次公开发表有关证人、陪审员和其他与该案有关人员的声明。 Trump repeatedly made public statements about witnesses, jurors, and others connected to the case. 纽约法官胡安·M·默坎发现了九项违规行为,维持了禁言令,并警告称,进一步违反规定可能会导致特朗普入狱。 New York Judge Juan M. Merchan found nine violations, upholding the gag order and warning that further violations could lead to Trump being jailed.