前总统特朗普因涉嫌违反禁言令而在纽约接受审判。 Former President Trump faces a hearing for alleged gag order violation in his New York trial.
美国前总统唐纳德·特朗普正在纽约接受刑事审判,他将面临一场听证会以确定他是否违反了禁言令。 Former U.S. President Donald Trump faces a hearing to determine if he violated a gag order in his ongoing New York criminal trial. 检察官声称特朗普通过十条社交媒体帖子违反了该命令,并要求对所谓的违规行为处以 10,000 美元的罚款。 Prosecutors claim Trump breached the order through ten social media posts, and are requesting a $10,000 fine for the alleged violations. 封口令禁止特朗普公开评论参与审判的证人和法庭工作人员。 The gag order prohibits Trump from publicly commenting on witnesses and court staff involved in the trial. 特朗普的辩护律师辩称,前总统并没有违反该命令。 Trump's defense argues that the former president was not in violation of the order.