韩国实习医生继续进行为期 3 个月的罢工,抗议政府通过扩大医学院招生来解决医生短缺问题的计划。 3-month trainee doctor strike continues in South Korea over government's plan to address doctor shortage by expanding medical school admissions.
韩国实习医生举行了为期三个月的罢工,抗议政府通过增加医学院招生来解决小城市医生短缺问题的计划。 3-month strike by trainee doctors in South Korea persists against government plans to tackle doctor shortage in smaller cities by increasing medical school admissions. 该国每千人拥有 2.6 名医生,是发达国家中最低的比例之一。 The country has 2.6 doctors per 1,000 people, one of the lowest rates among developed nations. 人口快速老龄化和低出生率加剧了医疗资源短缺问题,小城市难以提供足够的医疗保健。 The population's rapid aging and low birth rates intensify the shortage, with smaller cities struggling to provide adequate healthcare.