4月20日,在唐纳德·特朗普的封口费审判期间,一名名叫马克斯韦尔·阿扎雷洛的男子在纽约一家法院外自焚。 On April 20, a man, Maxwell Azzarello, set himself on fire outside a New York courthouse during Donald Trump's hush-money trial.
4 月 20 日,唐纳德·特朗普的封口费审判正在纽约法院外进行,一名男子在法院外自焚。 A man set himself on fire outside the New York courthouse where Donald Trump's hush-money trial was taking place on April 20. 据报道,这名男子名叫马克斯韦尔·阿扎雷洛 (Maxwell Azzarello),他被火焰吞没并被紧急送往医院,情况危急。 The man, identified as Maxwell Azzarello, was reportedly engulfed in flames and rushed to a hospital in critical condition. 事件发生在审判的第一阶段,当时正在挑选陪审员。 The incident occurred during the first phase of the trial, as jurors were being selected. 该男子行为背后的动机尚不清楚。 The motive behind the man's actions remains unclear.