在特朗普审判的陪审员选拔期间,一名男子在曼哈顿一家法院外自焚,在医院死亡。 A man set himself on fire outside a Manhattan courthouse during jury selection for Trump's trial; died in hospital.
在美国前总统唐纳德·特朗普的刑事审判的陪审员选拔期间,一名男子在曼哈顿一家法院外自焚,其动机尚不清楚。 A man set himself on fire outside a Manhattan courthouse during jury selection for former US President Donald Trump's criminal trial, with the motivation behind the act remaining unclear. 事件发生在法院对面的 Collect Pond Park 附近,该男子很快被送往医院,并被宣布死亡。 The incident occurred near Collect Pond Park, opposite the courthouse, and the man was quickly taken to a hospital, where he was pronounced dead. 法院周围地区戒备森严,有大量警戒线和警察驻守。 The area around the courthouse is heavily secured with extensive cordons and police presence.