中国气象部门再次发布灾害性天气蓝色预警。 China's meteorological authority renews blue alerts for severe weather.
中国气象部门再次发布强对流天气蓝色预警,预计周日至周一全国各地将出现雷暴、大风、冰雹、大暴雨等天气。 China's meteorological authority renews a blue alert for severe convection weather, forecasting thunderstorms, gales, hail, and heavy downpours in various parts of the country from Sunday to Monday. 此外,华北部分地区也再次发布沙尘暴蓝色预警。 Additionally, a blue alert for sandstorms is also renewed for some parts of north China. 这是中国三级颜色编码天气预警系统的一部分,其中橙色代表最严重的警告,其次是黄色和蓝色。 This is part of China's three-tier color-coded weather warning system, with orange representing the most severe warning, followed by yellow and blue.