摩托车骑手在梅多维州多因斯路与车辆碰撞后死亡。 Motorbike rider dies after collision with vehicle on Abundance Road, Medowie.
20多岁的摩托车骑手在周一约上午11时30分在斯蒂芬斯港Medowie的Abundance路与一辆汽车碰撞后死亡。 A motorbike rider in his 20s died after a collision with a vehicle on Abundance Road in Medowie, Port Stephens, on Monday around 11:30 am. 尽管医护人员作出了努力,但该骑车者仍无法救活。 Despite the efforts of paramedics, the rider could not be saved. 车辆司机没有受伤,但被送往John Hunter医院进行化验。 The vehicle's driver was uninjured but taken to John Hunter Hospital for tests. 道路仍然封闭,当局正在调查这一事件,要求公众提供任何信息。 The road remains closed, and authorities are investigating the incident, requesting any information from the public.