CISA 上个月遭到黑客攻击,利用了 Ivanti 的 VPN 软件;怀疑是中国间谍组织。 CISA hacked last month, exploiting Ivanti's VPN software; Chinese espionage group suspected.
美国网络安全和基础设施安全局(CISA)上个月遭到黑客攻击,导致两个关键计算机系统暂时离线。 The US Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) was hacked last month, leading to the temporary offline of two key computer systems. 网络攻击利用了 Ivanti 虚拟专用网络软件中的漏洞。 The cyberattacks exploited vulnerabilities in Ivanti's virtual private networking software. 此后,CISA 敦促联邦机构和私营公司更新其软件或实施防御措施,以解决 Ivanti 漏洞的广泛利用问题。 CISA has since urged federal agencies and private firms to update their software or implement defensive measures to address the widespread exploitation of Ivanti's vulnerabilities. 据信参与其中的黑客包括一个专注于间谍活动的中国组织。 The hackers believed to be involved include a Chinese group focused on espionage.