德国2月份工业订单增长0.2%,部分抵消了1月份11.4%的下降;机械/设备订单增长10.7%,但汽车订单下降8%。 German industrial orders increased 0.2% in February, partly rebounding from a 11.4% decline in January; machinery/equipment orders grew 10.7%, but automotive declined 8.
德国联邦统计局数据显示,德国2月份工业订单小幅增长0.2%,较1月份11.4%的降幅有所反弹。 German industrial orders increased slightly by 0.2% in February, rebounding from a decline of 11.4% in January, according to the Federal Statistical Office. 2月份机械设备订单显著增长10.7%,汽车行业订单则下降8.1%。 Orders for machinery and equipment saw a notable growth of 10.7% in February, while the automotive industry experienced a decline of 8.1%. 欧洲最大经济体2月份国内订单增长1.5%,但外需继续下滑,来自欧元区的新订单大幅下降13.1%。 Domestic orders in Europe's largest economy rose by 1.5% in February, but foreign demand continued to decline, with a sharp drop in new orders of 13.1% from the Euro area.