坎布里亚郡塞拉菲尔德核电站因 2019 年至 2023 年初涉嫌 IT 安全违规而面临法律起诉。 Sellafield nuclear site in Cumbria faces legal prosecution for alleged IT security offences between 2019 and early 2023.
根据《2003 年核工业安全条例》,英国坎布里亚郡塞拉菲尔德核电站因 2019 年至 2023 年初涉嫌 IT 安全违规而面临法律起诉。 UK's nuclear site Sellafield in Cumbria faces legal prosecution for alleged IT security offences between 2019 and early 2023, under the Nuclear Industries Security Regulations 2003. 核管理办公室(ONR)保证公共安全不会受到威胁。 Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR) assured that public safety was not at risk. 负责运营该核电站的塞拉菲尔德有限公司将因信息安全问题受到起诉。 Sellafield Ltd, which operates the site, will be prosecuted over the IT security issues.