英国政府以 1.6 亿英镑收购 Wylfa 核电站,并计划收购 Oldbury,目标是到 2050 年实现 25% 的核电发电。 UK government acquires Wylfa nuclear site for £160m, plans to buy Oldbury, aims for 25% nuclear electricity by 2050.
英国政府已同意以 1.6 亿英镑购买安格尔西的维尔法核电站,并计划购买格洛斯特郡的奥尔德伯里核电站。 The UK government has agreed to purchase the Wylfa nuclear site in Anglesey for £160m, with plans to buy the Oldbury site in Gloucestershire. 该交易是政府核电路线图的一部分,其中包括建设新电站和一系列小型模块化反应堆的计划。 The deal is part of the government's roadmap for nuclear power, which includes plans for a new power station and a series of small modular reactors. 英国财政大臣杰里米·亨特在 2024 年春季预算中宣布了此次收购,并表示政府的目标是到 2050 年让核电提供英国电力的 25%。 Chancellor Jeremy Hunt announced the acquisition in his Spring Budget 2024, stating that the government aims to have nuclear provide up to 25% of UK electricity by 2050.