俄亥俄州美国公民自由联盟 (ACLU) 和古德温提起诉讼,挑战众议院第 68 号法案,该法案禁止为跨性别未成年人提供性别肯定的医疗服务。 ACLU of Ohio and Goodwin filed a lawsuit challenging House Bill 68, banning gender-affirming medical care for transgender minors.
俄亥俄州 ACLU 和 Goodwin 律师事务所提起诉讼,质疑众议院第 68 号法案,该法案禁止为跨性别未成年人提供性别肯定的医疗服务。 The ACLU of Ohio and law firm Goodwin filed a lawsuit challenging House Bill 68, which bans gender-affirming medical care for transgender minors. 该诉讼是代表两个孩子面临失去这种照顾风险的家庭提起的,旨在在该法案生效之前推翻该法案。 The lawsuit, filed on behalf of two families whose children are at risk of losing such care, seeks to strike down the bill before it goes into effect. ACLU 指控 HB68 违反了俄亥俄州宪法的四个部分,包括单一主体规则、医疗保健条款、平等保护条款和正当法律程序条款。 The ACLU alleges that HB68 violates four sections of the Ohio Constitution, including the single-subject rule, the Health Care provision, the Equal Protection Clause, and the Due Course of Law provision.