俄亥俄州州长签署法律 要求学生使用浴室 依据出生性别指定。 Ohio governor signs law mandating students use bathrooms based on birth-assigned gender.
俄亥俄州州长Mike DeWine签署了一项法律,要求从幼儿园到大学的学生根据出生时指定的性别使用卫生间和更衣室。 Ohio Governor Mike DeWine signed a law requiring students from kindergarten to college to use bathrooms and locker rooms based on their gender assigned at birth. 《保护所有学生法》规定男女分开的设施,90天后生效。 The "Protect All Students Act" mandates separate facilities for males and females and goes into effect in 90 days. 批评者认为它侵犯了变性学生的隐私权,而支持者则声称它能确保安全和安保。 Critics argue it violates the privacy rights of transgender students, while supporters claim it ensures safety and security. 该法引发了公民权利团体和民主党的辩论和反对。 The law has sparked debate and opposition from civil rights groups and Democrats.