俄亥俄州参议院通过了禁止变性学生使用符合其性别认同的浴室的法案。 Ohio Senate passes bill barring transgender students from using bathrooms matching their gender identity.
俄亥俄州参议院通过了一项法案,禁止变性学生在公立学校和学院使用符合其性别认同的洗手间和更衣室。 The Ohio Senate has passed a bill banning transgender students from using bathrooms and locker rooms that align with their gender identity in public schools and colleges. 该立法现在以总督Mike DeWine为首,要求根据出生时的性别分配而单独设立设施。 The legislation, which now heads to Governor Mike DeWine, requires separate facilities based on gender assigned at birth. 俄亥俄州公民自由联盟反对该法案,认为该法案侵犯了隐私权并危及变性学生的安全。 The ACLU of Ohio opposes the bill, arguing it violates privacy rights and endangers transgender students. 至少其他11个州有类似的法律。 At least 11 other states have similar laws.