欧盟根据《数字市场法》对苹果、谷歌和 Meta 潜在滥用市场支配地位展开调查。 EU initiates investigations under Digital Markets Act against Apple, Google, and Meta for potential market dominance abuse.
欧盟 (EU) 根据新的数字市场法案 (DMA) 启动了对苹果、谷歌和 Meta 的调查,该法案旨在监管大型科技公司并防止滥用市场支配地位。 The European Union (EU) has initiated investigations into Apple, Google, and Meta under the new Digital Markets Act (DMA), which aims to regulate big tech companies and prevent market dominance abuses. 该数字竞争法要求科技公司允许公平竞争和消费者选择,同时维护数据隐私。 This digital competition law requires tech companies to allow fair competition and consumer choice while maintaining data privacy. 科技巨头可能因违反新规定而面临巨额罚款。 The tech giants face potential heavy fines for breaching the new rules.