乌克兰计划从保加利亚购买两座核反应堆。 Ukraine plans to buy two nuclear reactors from Bulgaria.
乌克兰计划于六月签署一项协议,从保加利亚购买两座核反应堆,以补偿在入侵期间被俄罗斯军队占领的扎波罗热核电站的损失。 Ukraine plans to sign a deal in June to purchase two nuclear reactors from Bulgaria to compensate for the loss of its Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant, which was occupied by Russian forces during the invasion. 这些反应堆将安装在乌克兰西部的赫梅利尼茨基核电站,并配备俄罗斯设计的部件。 The reactors will be installed at the Khmelnytskyi nuclear power plant in western Ukraine and equipped with Russian-designed components. 乌克兰目前依赖三座正在运行的核电站,并计划在赫梅利尼茨基核电站基于美国 AP-1000 反应堆设计再建造两座反应堆。 Ukraine currently relies on three operational nuclear power plants and aims to build two more reactors at the Khmelnytskyi plant based on American AP-1000 reactor design.