俄罗斯占领的Zaporizhzhia核电站变压器被指称的乌克兰攻击损坏。 Russian-occupied Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant transformer damaged by alleged Ukrainian attack.
俄罗斯声称,乌克兰部队袭击了Zaporizhzhia核电厂附近的Raduga分站,摧毁了一台变压器。 Russia claims that Ukrainian forces attacked the Raduga substation near the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, destroying a transformer. 该厂的管理层将事件称为“恐怖行为”, 双方关系持续紧张, 相互指控侵略。 The plant's management labeled the incident a "terrorist act," amid ongoing tensions and mutual accusations of aggression between the two sides. 国际原子能机构在该工厂部署了监测员,敦促双方避免攻击,并列举了破坏稳定的危险和潜在的核事故。 The International Atomic Energy Agency has deployed monitors at the plant, urging both parties to avoid attacks, citing risks of destabilization and potential nuclear accidents. 乌克兰东部继续发生激烈战斗。 Heavy fighting continues in eastern Ukraine.